HC Deb 29 April 1902 vol 107 cc160-1
SIR JOHN COLOMB (Great Yarmouth)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether the German Government subsidises the East African Steamship and the North German Lloyd Companies, and † See (4) Debates, cii., 712. secures the use of the vessels of those companies as armed cruisers in war; whether power is taken to prevent the transfer or hire of these vessels to a foreign flag without the approval of the German Chancellor; and, if so, whether he can state the method or arrangements by which the condition against transfer or hire can be made effective and enforced.


The German Government gives a Postal Subvention to the East African and North German Lloyd Companies. The use of vessels of these companies in time of war is secured by the law of 13th June, 1873, and this liability is mentioned in the postal contracts. During the term of the contract the sale or hire of subsidised vessels to a foreign Power is forbidden even in time of peace, unless by consent of the German Chancellor. This provision is contained in the contracts, which authorise the Imperial Chancellor, in case of the partial or complete mobilisation of the Navy, either to buy for full value the steamers of the line, or to employ them, on payment of compensation. According to German law, the removal of vessels in time of peace or of war can be prevented by armed force.