§ Order read, for resuming Adjourned Debate on Question [7th April], "That the Bill be now read a second time."
§ Question again proposed.
§ MR. NANNETTI (Dublin, College Green)said he should like to call attention to the fact that the site for the Science and Art Museum in Dublin had been selected in the richest part of the city. He was quite satisfied that many more suitable sites could be found. As a 908 citizen of Dublin he protested against the erection of a building in a part of the city at present overcrowded with buildings. He further objected to the site because a number of professional men's residences would have to be cleared away. He knew that the argument would be used that it was necessary that the Museum should be contiguous to other Museums.
§ It being Midnight, the Debate stood adjourned.
§ Debate to be resumed upon Thursday.
§ Adjourned at five minutes after Twelve o'clock.