HC Deb 17 April 1902 vol 106 c551
MR. O'SHAUGHNESSY (Limerick, W.)

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury, as representing the Postmaster General, whether he is aware that the morning collection of letters is of no use to the inhabitants of Dromin and Ballinculla district, near Kilmallock, in the county of Limerick, as they cannot have their correspondence replied to by that time on the same day; whether he has received a statement from the parish priest of the district to that effect, and asking to have the morning collection changed to an evening one; and will he, in the public interest, accede to the request.


The circumstances of this case having been fully explained to the hon. Member in the answers already given to him by letter on the 11th of September and 15th of November last, and orally in this House on the 25th of last month.† The Postmaster General regrets that he is unable to depart from the decision he has arrived at.