HC Deb 17 April 1902 vol 106 c544
* MR. O'DOWD (Sligo, S.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he will state the number of extra police at present stationed in Kilmactigue, County Sligo; and whether, in view of the crimelessness of the district, he will consider the advisability of withdrawing these police at an early date.


The number of extra police is five. The district is not free from crime, as alleged. On the contrary, there have been several agrarian outrages committed in the locality within the last twelve months, and individuals have been, and are at the present moment, the victims of intimidation and boycotting. The extra police are employed in protecting the persons and property of these persons.


Who are these persons?

[No answer was given.]

† See (4) Debates, xciv., 1468.