§ MR. DAVID THOMASI beg to ask the Secretary to the Admiralty whether any experiments have recently been made of Scotch coal for steaming purposes, either in the Mediterranean or elsewhere by the Admiralty: and, if so, whether he can state generally the results as compared with those given by Welsh coal; and will the reports furnished the Admiralty be laid upon the Table of the House.
§ MR. ARNOLD-FORSTERA number of experiments have been made with Scotch coal for steaming purposes, and though some of the coals supplied have valuable qualities, the Reports do not lead to the conclusion that they are as satisfactory for naval purposes as the Welsh coal. It is not proposed to lay the Reports furnished to the Admiralty on the Table.
§ MR. WILLIAM ALLANMay I ask whether the Admiralty have tried anthracite in combination with Scotch coal in their experiments?
§ MR. ARNOLD-FORSTERYes, I think it has been tried in several combinations. If the hon. Gentleman will give me notice of the question I will endeavour to ascertain.