HC Deb 17 May 1901 vol 94 cc459-60
MR. J. F. X. O'BRIEN (Cork)

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury, as representing the Postmaster General, whether the grade of provincial clerk in charge is still in existence at Cork post office; whether the duties of this class are confined to the same portion of the staff; and what are the qualifications necessary to entitle one of the staff to those duties; and whether he will have the names of those possessing the necessary qualifications placed on a list, and the list posted in the office, and the qualified officers deputed to fill those duties in turn.


The class of provincial clerks in charge is being allowed to die out, and no new appointments are made to it. There are officers of the Cork staff who still retain the title. The duties of the class are performed by those persons who still remain on it, and also by any other officer who may be selected by the surveyor from time to time to take charge of an office, and a list of suitable officers is kept by the surveyor. Those persons, are selected for the duty whose character and knowledge of the duties to be performed are held to justify their selection. It is not proposed to make any alteration in the existing system.