HC Deb 17 May 1901 vol 94 cc448-9

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he is in a position to make a statement as to the settlement of the question of ownership of the land at Tientsin which occasioned the recent Anglo-Russian railway dispute; whether, despite the temporary agreement agreed to by the two Governments to suspend work on the land referred to, the Russians are proceeding to make roads through the land claimed by the railway company; and whether, in view of the grave issues, at stake, the Government are able to give an assurance to the House that a speedy settlement will be arrived at and that the rights of the railway company will be fully maintained. @† See preceding volume, page 749.


No settlement has yet been arrived at with regard to the ownership of the land referred to; but under the agreement with the Russian Government all questions of title and propri tary rights are reserved for discussion between that Government and ourselves; and the claim of the railway administration cannot be prejudiced by any work carried on by the Russian authorities meanwhile.

SIR CHARLES DILKE (Gloucestershire, Forest of Dean)

Was it not stated there was to be some kind of arbitration on this matter?


I have no information beyond that contained in my answer.