HC Deb 16 May 1901 vol 94 c250
MR. CHARLES M'ARTHUR (Liverpool, Exchange)

I beg to ask Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he is aware that a quantity of low grade treacle, worth about 3s. 6d. per cwt., is imported into the United Kingdom not for human consumption but for cattle feeding, being used either direct by farmers or in the manufacture of compound cake; and, seeing that it has been represented to him that a duty of 2s. per cwt. upon this article, being 57 per cent. upon its cost, would press with such severity as to be practically prohibitive, whether it is intended under proper safeguards to admit treacle for cattle feeding purposes duty free.


I am aware that some low grade treacle is imported for cattle feeding, though, according to the best statistics that are available, a very small amount—less than 1 per cent. of the total imports of molasses—is entered at such a low price (3s. 6d.) as that named in the question. I am considering whether it will be desirable to lower the duty on such treacle; but I have no intention of proposing to admit it duty free.