HC Deb 10 May 1901 vol 93 c1325
MR. M'FADDEN (Donegal, E.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that a weir is constructed across the River Mourne, county Tyrone, near Sion Mills, for the purpose of supplying Sion Mills with water for their working; and that, although by Section 41 of 5 and 6 Vic, cap. 106, amended by Section 9 of 26 and 27 Vic, cap. 114, every weir constructed across a river must have a free pass in accordance with the regulations set forth in the last-mentioned Act, there is no such free pass in the weir at Sion Mills, the result of the want of such pass being that salmon are never able to reach the upper stretches of the River Mourne until a flood comes and carries them over the weir; and whether the attention of the Conservators of Fisheries for the locality will he directed to the want of the free pass, and steps taken by them to compel the owners of the weir to put it in a proper condition, so that the progress of salmon to the upper stretches of said river may not be impeded.


The matter will be referred to the local Board of Conservators, with instructions to see that all the provisions of the fishery laws applicable thereto are observed.