HC Deb 07 May 1901 vol 93 cc948-9
DR. MACNAMARA (Camberwell, N.)

I beg to ask the President of the Local Board whether his attention has been called to a conference on the housing problem, held on Monday, 29th April, at the Islington Town Hall, at which delegates, consisting chiefly of the mayors, town clerks, and chairmen of the housing committees from twenty-two of the London borough councils were present; whether he has noted that this conference urged that the period of repayment of loans for housing schemes should be extended to 100 years; and whether, having regard to this request and the repeated pleas of the London County Council in favour of an extension of the period of loan repayment, he can now see his way to agree to this demand.


I have seen a report of this conference, and have observed that a resolution was passed in the sense referred to in the second paragraph of the question. I cannot, however, add anything to the answer which I gave to the questions put by the hon. Member on the 28th February last.†

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