§ MR. SWIFT MACNEILLI beg to ask the Secretary to the Admiralty under 936 what heading in the Naval Estimates will the expenses of the cruise of H.M.S. "Cæsar" in the Mediterranean in October and November last, for the use of the Colonial Secretary, be placed; under what circumstances was a ship of the Royal Navy made to do service for a Minister of the Crown; and whether there are any, and, if so, what, precedents for the utilising of Government vessels for the service of Ministers of the Crown who are not in the Admiralty Department.
§ MR. ARNOLD-FORSTERNo extra cost was involved in the cruise of H.M.S. "Cæsar" in the Mediterranean in October and November last, when the Secretary of State for the Colonies was on board. A ship of the Royal Navy was placed at the disposal of a Minister of the Crown in pursuance of the recognised and reasonable practice of making His Majesty's ships available for officials engaged in the public service. There are precedents for utilising Government vessels for Ministers of the Crown who are not in the Admiralty Department. There is no precedent for a man-of-war being used by a Colonial Secretary when visiting a British colony, and I consider it a most fortunate circumstance that a precedent has now been created.