HC Deb 02 May 1901 vol 93 cc415-6

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that on the night of 31st March last Private Michael Lee, late of the Imperial Yeomanry, who is at present confined to bed in Netley Hospital, suffering from fits, the result of injuries received in South Africa, was beaten by the night student in charge of his ward whilst suffering from a fit; and that this young student had given orders not to be dis- turbed whether any of those in his care were ill or not, and, on being called by the nurse to see Lee, who was ill, said that when he had done with him the patient would have few fits, and thereupon proceeded to beat him in such a manner that his face was almost unrecognisable for days after; can he state whether any inquiry was held into this case, and what was the name of, and the punishment awarded to, this student.


It appears, from the medical and military inquiries which have been held, that this was a case of hystero-epilepsy, and that the surgeon in charge restored the patient to consciousness by slapping his face. The name of the surgeon, who is a probationer, was Saundry-Harvey. There appears no doubt that the treatment was unnecessarily violent, and some swelling was caused, and the surgeon has been censured by his superiors. The surgeon justifies the treatment as being necessary to rouse the patient from the fit, and I therefore propose to take eminent medical advice before dealing with his case.


In view of the statement of the right hon. Gentleman I shall put a further question on this matter a week hence.