HC Deb 28 March 1901 vol 92 cc77-8
* MR. O'DOHERTY (Donegal, N.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether reports were furnished by the Londonderry Constabulary authorities to Dublin Castle with reference to the discharge of explosives from the city of Derry Walls into the house or yard of a man named M'Gowan on the occasion of the rejoicing over the relief of Lady-smith; whether the report contained the names of the parties who discharged † See Debates, Vol. xc, page 1116–7. the explosives, and can he explain why the Castle authorities refused to allow the police in Londonderry to institute proceedings against these parties; and will he lay upon the Table of the House a copy of the correspondence between the Dublin Castle authorities and the Constabulary authorities, as well as a copy of the Order made thereon by the then Chief Secretary for Ireland.


The reports made by the police disclosed the names of two persons who were believed to have discharged rockets of a dangerous character. One of these rockets was found in the yard of John. McGowan. I have already stated that the organiser of the demonstration, who was unaware that rockets of this character had been used, expressed his regret at the occurrence. It was decided under the circumstances not to institute proceedings against the parties, but to warn them that upon a repetition of the offence proceedings would be taken. It would be contrary to practice to lay departmental correspondence on the Table of the House.


Why did the Castle authorities prevent the Londonderry police from prosecuting for the discharge of firearms in a proclaimed district?


I have answered that question.