HC Deb 28 March 1901 vol 92 c75
MR. LOUGH (Islington, W.)

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury, as representing the Postmaster General, whether he can state for what reason the candidates seeking election to the executive of the Fawcett Association and to the Committee of the Refreshment Department at the General Post Office have been called upon to explain why manifestoes bearing their names have been distributed in and allowed to lie on the tables in the sorters' retiring rooms without permission having first been obtained, seeing that in the case of the election to the executive of the Fawcett Association permission had been sought and obtained for the ballot boxes to be placed in the said rooms, and that the election for the Refreshment Department Committee is being conducted by the department itself.


The fact that permission has been given for the election of the executive of the Fawcett Association and the election of the Refreshment Committee to be held in the General Post Office did not carry with it the permission to distribute bills in large numbers inside the building, and it is not desirable that such permission should be given.