HC Deb 28 March 1901 vol 92 c47
MR. JOHN ELLIS (Nottinghamshire, Rushcliffe)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War how many of the reinforcement of 30,000 men last asked for by the War Office have been secured, and what number have been actually despatched to South Africa; whether any application, has been received by the Government from Lord Kitchener for reinforcements over and above the 30,000 men, and to what extent; and have the Government in, contemplation any further reinforcements over and above the 30,000 men.


The number of 30,000 mounted troops which the Government undertook on 7th February last to send to South Africa has been exceeded. Up to date 28,560 men have been despatched, and 6,000 more are ready to embark as transports are provided. Of these, Regular Cavalry drafts are, 3,860; Mounted Infantry, 4,400; Imperial Yeomanry, 16,600; South African Constabulary, 4,700; Colonials, 5,000–34,560. Two battalions of Militia and thirty-eight Volunteer companies and some other drafts have been sent during the same period to relieve similar units at the front. Lord Kitchener has asked for drafts for certain battalions which are being prepared. No other application has been made to me by Lord Kitchener, and after the South African Constabulary is completed it is not at present proposed to raise any further force.