HC Deb 26 March 1901 vol 91 c1378

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he can state the costs of the Crown in the case of Squire V. Sweeney, heard on a case stated under the Factory Acts in the Queen's Bench Division, Ireland, in the months of June, 1900, and January, 1901, and the costs of the defendant in the case paid by the Crown as a result of the decision of the Queen's Bench affirming the decision of the magistrates at Dungloe, county Donegal, Petty Sessions, dismissing the charge against the defendant; and whether the fines imposed on several defendants in similar cases at petty sessions in county Donegal have, since the decision of the High Court in this case, been refunded to the defendants, and the amounts of the fines so refunded.


At the request of my right hon. friend, I will reply to this question. The costs of the Crown have not yet been taxed, and I am unable to state what they amount to. The costs of the defendant in the first case amounted to £42 5s. 1d. The defendant's costs in the second case are at present before the Master of the Crown Office. The answer to the last query is in the affirmative. Pines imposed in eight cases, amounting in the aggregate to £65, have been refunded.


Were not six magistrates brought to Dublin in connection with this case? Seeing that their action was vindicated, will not the Crown pay their expenses?


I do not agree with the view of the hon. Member. Anyhow, there is no power on the part of the Crown to pay their costs.