HC Deb 18 March 1901 vol 91 cc224-5
MR. MANSFIELD (Lincolnshire, Spalding)

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury, as representing the Postmaster General, whether parcels sent to the troops in Africa are charged 1s. per pound postage: and whether, seeing that similar parcels sent to any part of Australia, New Zealand, or Canada- only cost 6d. per pound, he can arrange for parcels sent to the troops in Africa, to be charged at a similar rate.


Postage at the rate of 1s. a pound is not charged on parcels for the troops sent from this country to any part of South Africa. Such parcels may be sent to the Cape Colony, Natal, the Orange River Colony, and the Transvaal for a postage of 9d. a pound. For parcels to Australia, New Zealand, and Canada the postage is not 6d. a pound, as the hon. Member supposes. To Australia, by the cheapest route, it is 1s. for the first pound and 6d. for every succeeding pound. To New Zealand as much as three pounds can be conveyed for 1s., the lowest postage; while to Canada the rate is 8d. for the first pound and 6d. for each succeeding pound. The varying requirements of the colonies themselves render it impossible to obtain greater uniformity at present.

SIR E. ASHMEAD-BARTLETT (Sheffield, Ecclesall)

But is it not possible to reduce the charge to the troops to 6d.?


I am sure the Postmaster General would be very glad to do it if possible, and I will communicate with him but I am afraid there are difficulties in the way.