HC Deb 18 March 1901 vol 91 c249

On behalf of the hon. Member for the Harbour Division of Dublin, I beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury whether the Excise Bonded Stores, at 12, North Wall, Dublin, known as the Queen's Stores, have recently been sold to a shipping company; and, if so, whether it is intended that the premises be continued as bonded stores; and whether the porters employed by the Inland Revenue in connection with these stores will be continued in the service or receive remuneration if disemployed.


It is a fact that arrangements have been made by the Board of Works (Dublin) for the sale of the Queen's Stores, North Wall, Dublin, to a shipping company; but the Board of Inland Revenue are not aware of the purpose for which the company propose to use the premises. The porters employed by the Board at the stores have received notice that their services will not be required after the 31st instant. They will receive on retirement such gratuities as they may be qualified for under the Superannuation Act.