HC Deb 18 March 1901 vol 91 c226
MR. DAVID MORGAN (Essex, Walthamstow)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he can state what arrangements have been made with the Russian Government for filling up the appointments of British Consular Agents in Finland; can he say at how many and which of the Finnish ports appointments have been made; and, in view of the importance to British traders and shipowners of having in all the principal Finnish ports British Consular Agents to protect and watch over British interests, will the vacancies still remaining soon be filled.

MR. A. J. BALFOUR (for Viscount CRANBORNE)

The Consular ports in Finland held by unpaid officers, which became vacant by the resignation of the holders in 1899. have not yet been filled up with the exception of Uleaborg, to which Mr. Blunt was appointed in August last. The paid Consulate at Helsingfors, however, has been re-established, and the Consul. Mr. Cooke, is expected to arrive there very shortly to take up his duties. His Majesty's Government would be very glad to fill up the other vacancies as soon as circumstances permit.