HC Deb 14 March 1901 vol 90 c1571
MR. O'SHEE (Waterford, W.)

I beg to ask Mr. Attorney General when a bench of magistrates in England happens to be evenly divided in opinion as to whether a case should be returned for trial or not, if he can state what action is usually taken; and if the case is brought up for consideration at a future session.


I have made inquiries, but have been unable to hear of any English case in which there has been an equal division of opinion as to committal for trial. I am therefore unable to make any statement as to any usual practice in such an event, but think it very probable that if there should be a final difference of opinion, the case might be brought up for consideration on a future occasion.


Can the hon. Member say why the views of paid magistrates should carry more weight than those of unpaid magistrates?


Order, order!