§ CAPTAIN NORTONI beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury, as representing the Postmaster General, whether, having regard to the negotiations now proceeding between the French and English postal authorities for improving the London and Paris mail services, the Postmaster General will direct the attention of the French postal authorities to the practical advantages business firms and correspondents generally in France and Great Britain—more especially in the provinces—would derive if the morning mail were started from London and Paris at 7.30 or 8 a.m. instead of at 9 a.m.
§ MR. AUSTEN CHAMBERLAINThe question of an earlier departure of the day mail between London and Paris in both directions has already been fully discussed between the British and French 1036 Post Offices; and it is found that the change would in each case be attended by drawbacks of a serious nature. The hon. Member may, however, like to know that, as a result of a recent conference, the French authorities have, at the instance of the Postmaster General, made special arrangements for accelerating the arrival in Paris of letters sent from London by the day service in order that they may be distributed by an earlier delivery than heretofore.