HC Deb 07 March 1901 vol 90 cc830-1
MR. DILLON (Mayo, E.)

I desire to ask by whose orders a body of police entered this House last Wednesday morning; under whose command the police were when inside the House; and whether since Oliver Cromwell entered the House with soldiers in 1653 there is any precedent for the entry of soldiers or police into the Commons Chamber for the purpose of forcibly removing lion, members of this House.


To whom does the hon. Gentleman address the question?


I addressed the question to you, Sir; but perhaps I ought to have addressed it to the Leader of the House.


I have no objection to answer it, though, strictly, it is not a question that ought to be addressed to me. The police entered this House by my orders. They were under the immediate control of Inspector Scautlebury. As to the historical question, I am afraid I have not made the necessary research.