§ SIR JOHN BRUNNER (Cheshire, Northwich)I beg to ask Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer whether ho will undertake that the Government shall not formally give up the claim of the late South African Republic against the British South Africa Company in case of a proposal being made for the purchase by the Government of the undertaking of the Company.
§ The CHANCELLOR of THE EXCHEQUER (Sir M. Hicks Beach,) Bristol, W.I can only refer the hon. Member to my answer of yesterday—that this claim has been submitted to the law officers and that until we have received their opinion we can say nothing more.
§ SIR JOHN BRUNNERI asked the light lion. Gentleman whether he would, on behalf of the Government, give an undertaking that this claim should not be formally abandoned. I have not understood that he has given mo an answer to that question.
§ SIR M. HICKS BEACHI am not bound to answer the question as to what the Government might or might not do in a hypothetical case.