HC Deb 01 March 1901 vol 90 c196

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that, contrary to a promise made in this House in June, 1896, that recruiting for the Royal Irish Constabulary would be discontinued, recruiting for that force is going on again; can he state the number of men called up during 1900, and the number yet required to keep up the force; and will he lay upon the Table of the House a Return showing the general distribution of these men throughout the country for the years 1899–1900.


I am aware that recruits are being enlisted for the constabulary; this is done to fill normal vacancies occurring in the force by retirements, deaths, etc. No promise was given in 1896 of the nature indicated in the first paragraph. The number of recruits admitted in 1900 was 620; the current rate of waste is about 46 men per month. In answer to the last paragraph, I would refer the hon. Member to the table at page 76 of the volume of Irish Criminal Statistics for 1899, which has been presented to Parliament and which shows the distribution of the force at the end of September, 1899.

MR. FLYNN (Cork, N.)

Are we to understand it is the intention of the authorities in Ireland to keep up the numbers of the Royal Irish Constabulary?


There has been a considerable reduction in recent years. We propose to keep the force at its present level.