§ Mr. H. J. WILSON (Yorkshire, W.R., Holmfirth)I beg to ask the Secretary of State for India whether any information has been obtained from the Governments of Bombay and of the Central Provinces, since the close of last session, as to any projects for the construction of reservoirs or embankments on the Nerbudda or Tapti rivers, with a view to the protection of the western part of the Central Provinces and of Gujerat from drought and famine; and, if no proposals of this kind have yet been made, will he take steps to ensure that early attention be given to this matter.
§ THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR INDIA (Lord G. HAMILTON,) Middlesex, EalingI have received since the end of last session a Report from the Bombay Government in which it is stated that an irrigation tank is under construction which will irrigate a largo tract of country adjoining the Tapti river. The Government of India have most carefully considered the question of the extension of irrigation wherever practicable, with a view to the prevention of famine; and I will forward a copy of the hon. Member's question and of my answer to India.