HC Deb 24 June 1901 vol 95 cc1221-2
MR. MURPHY (Kerry, E.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether the attention of the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction has been directed to the increase in the amount of the baronial guarantee in connection with the Killaglin, county Kerry, line; whether he is aware that this baronial guarantee has gone on increasing year after year, notwithstanding the fact that the traffic and receipts have also increased; and whether, having regard to the effect of the working of the Great Southern and Western Railway Company on the trade and prosperity of Killarney, he will cause the Department to compel an independent audit of the accounts of the line, at which the Kerry County Council can be represented, with the view of ascertaining the reasons for this increase in the baronial guarantee, and also so as to bring about the exclusion of the Killarney district from the payment of any portion of it. of service of members of the Royal Irish Constabulary who were injured while on duty during the past twenty years; the name of the county to which each member was regularly attached, and the name of the county in which the injury was inflicted; the amount of compensation claimed and awarded in each ease, and the name of the public authority, court of law, or otherwise, which made the award; the source from which the payment was made; the nature and extent of the injuries, and how caused; the duties, whether ordinary or special, and their nature, upon which such members were engaged when injured; the names of members retired as result of injuries, and the amount of pension, if any, in each case; the names and similar particulars of unsuccessful claimants, and the amounts claimed.


The Department of Agriculture has no interest in or control over the line of railway referred to, and has no power to take action in the direction suggested in the third paragraph of the question. I am informed by the Commissioner of Valuation that the valuation of the railway was increased by a sum of about £1,000 in 1899, the former valuation having been merely placed on the land during construction and the buildings. This increase in valuation might affect the liability of the baronial guarantors to the extent of £350, but it would at the same time reduce the rates in the rating area through which the line passes by the same amount. Moreover, against this increased liability the guarantors last year received a bonus of £862 under the provisions of Section 58 of the Local Government Act.