HC Deb 18 June 1901 vol 95 c735

Mr. HALSEY reported from the Committee of Selection, That they had discharged the following Member from the Standing Committee on Trade (including Agriculture and Fishing), Shipping, and Manufactures:—Mr. Olroyd; and had appointed in substitution: Mr. Taylor.

Mr. HALSEY further reported from the Committee, That they had added to the Standing Committee on Trade (including Agriculture and Fishing), Shipping, and Manufactures, the following Fifteen Members in respect of the Factory and Workshop Acts Amendment and the Factory and Workshop Acts Consolidation Bills:—Mr. Asquith, Sir William Coddington, Sir Charles Dilke, Mr. Emmott, Mr. Harwood, Captain Jessel, Mr. James Kenyon, Mr. Nannetti, Mr. John Redmond, Mr. Secretary Ritchie, Sir John Stirling-Maxwell, Mr. Talbot, Sir Walter Thorburn, Mr. Trevelyan, and Mr. J. W. Wilson.

Mr. HALSEY further reported from the Committee of Selection, That they had discharged the following Members from the Standing Committee on Trade (including Agriculture and Fishing), Shipping, and Manufactures:—Mr. Jeffreys and Mr. Beckett; and had appointed in substitution: Mr. Hargreaves Brown and Mr. White Ridley.

Reports to lie upon the Table.