HC Deb 11 June 1901 vol 97 cc113-4
MR. CULLINAN (Tipperary, S.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland if he will furnish the names of the persons permanently or temporarily appointed by the Land Commission to report on the price of stock at fairs and markets, and also of crops and produce; residence and age at time of appointment; their experience as agriculturists; whether they are landlords or tenants; the amount of remuneration each receives; and the; number and class of reports they make annually.


A similar Return; was refused in 1893, apparently with the assent of the hon. Member (Mr, Knox, Cavan) who had moved for it, upon the ground that if the reporters of prices at fairs were generally known the difficulty experienced in obtaining reliable information would be greatly increased. I cannot, therefore, publish the Return, but I am ready to supply it to the hon. Member for his private information. I am sure he will only use it for the purpose of argument against me.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that these men are as well known at Irish fairs as Irish policemen in plain clothes? We want to know the qualifications of these gentlemen. We know as a fact that they are no more qualified for these positions than they are to be rulers of the Navy. Is it not. The fact that, on the reports made by these gentlemen, the Land Commissioners fix the rents?


I am afraid the hon. Member does not see the force of the objection. These men have to act more or less as detectives in order to get the prices.