§ MR. FLYNNI beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of 1129 Ireland whether his attention has been directed to the proceedings before the Land Commission Judges at the Four Courts, Dublin, on the 16th instant, when, in many of the cases of appeal upon the question of acreable value, the appeal rent was varied from the rent fixed by the Sub-Commissioners by small sums only, and, in the case of Gaughan v. Knox Gore, the appeal rent was fixed by the court valuer at 7d. per acre more than the rent fixed by the Sub-Commissioners; and Mr. Commissioner O'Brien commented adversely on the reversal of the Sub-Commissioners' decision for trifling differences; and whether, in view of the fact that over 12,000 appeals now stand to be heard, effect will be given to Mr. Commissioner O'Brien's recommendation that costs ought to be imposed upon appellants who are unreasonable in their conduct, as prescribed by Section 9 of the Land Law Act of 1881.
§ MR. WYNDHAMIn the case of Gaughan v. Knox Gore the Commissioners differed from the Sub-Commissioners as to the classification and acreable rent of various sections of the land. The court valuer's estimate was not arrived at by taking a deduction of 7d. per acre all round, as apparently suggested. The Commissioners decline to discuss the merits of their judicial decisions. The question of costs is one for determination by the Court itself.
§ MR. T. W. RUSSELL (Tyrone, S.)But one of the judges complained strongly of the number of frivolous appeals.