§ MR. WILLIAM JOHNSTON (Belfast, S.)I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to 849 the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that an inquiry has been held in Downpatrick by a medical inspector of the Local Government Board as to the necessity of providing a qualified midwife for Strangford dispensary district, and that it was proved that there had been from time to time deaths from puerperal fever from improper nursing before a regularly qualified midwife was appointed, and, seeing that since the resignation of the last holder of the position on 1st May, 1900, the guardians have persistently refused to appoint a successor, can he say whether there is arty power in the Local Government Board to compel the Downpatrick Guardians to make the appointment.
§ MR. WYNDHAMThe facts are as stated in the first paragraph. The Board has frequently exhorted the guardians to appoint a midwife for this dispensary district since the occurrence of the present vacancy in May, 1900. The reply to the second paragraph is in the affirmative. The Board will again communicate with the guardians insisting on the necessity for such an appointment. I would prefer not to allude to more drastic measures which might be taken until the guardians have had an opportunity of giving a reply, which will, I trust, be satisfactory.