HC Deb 15 July 1901 vol 97 cc529-31

I think the House will probably continue the discussion of this Bill under more satisfactory conditions with a Chairman of full powers in the Chair, as it is not for our credit that scenes such as we have had to-night should be repeated.


In the tumult of astonishment which arose from the right hon. Gentleman's statement, we did not hear when this Bill was to be taken or what was to be taken tomorrow.


I did not say what was to be taken to-morrow. If the right hon. Gentleman desires to know what will be taken to-morrow, or rather this day, it will be Supply, class 2, Vote 16, the Local Government Board; then the Board of Agriculture, and then the Houses of Parliament, and the remaining Votes.


I think there is some ground for protest against the proposal to take two important Votes of Supply at a notice of a few hours, when a distinctly different order of business has been announced so recently as the early part of this day Hon. Members deeply interested in the Local Government Board, and not concerning themselves with the Education Bill, may have gone for a holiday. It is usual that Votes of Supply should be put down at reasonable notice, in order to prevent their being smuggled through the House in the absence of those most interested in them. However, I content myself with a protest, but I confess to being astonished at the change of programme, especially on the very flimsy ground, as alleged, of the inefficiency of the Chairman who has presided over the debate to-night [Ministerial cries of "No, no."], because I never heard a Chairman who was more capable of exercising with extreme rigidity the powers he possesses. We are in the hands of the Government, and if they think it desirable in the interests of their Bill to have a week's or a fortnight's delay in the middle of this debate I am astonished at their opinion; but I quite acquiesce.

MR. SAMUEL EVANS (Glamorganshire, Mid)

On the point of order, Mr. Speaker, must not the right hon. Gentleman name a day?


I have named Monday.