HC Deb 15 July 1901 vol 97 cc451-2

With regard to the business of this week, can the right hon. Gentleman give us complete information? As among the most important Votes still outstanding there are the Foreign Office and Colonial Office Votes, will the right hon. Gentleman contemplate with favour the suggestion that those two Votes should be put down for the two Fridays following this week—that is, for the 26th instant and 2nd August?


Yes, Sir; if the right hon. Gentleman expresses that wish, he has a perfect right to be considered in the matter; and I shall be glad to fix these two important Votes for the days which he desires. I shall be equally glad to fall in with the suggestion that the Foreign Office Vote be taken first and the Colonial Office Vote on the subsequent Friday. As regards next Friday, it will be in the recollection of the House that I stated a few days ago that I proposed to take the Home Office Vote, and some observations were made on the fact that the Report was not in the hands of Members. I had hoped that it would be printed in time for the discussion, but I find that under our existing printing arrangements that cannot be carried out; and in those circumstances it will be convenient to take the Consular and Diplomatic Vote on Friday and other votes in Class V.

MR. GEORGE WHITELEY (Yorkshire, W.R., Pudsey)

When does the right hon. Gentleman propose to take the Agricultural Rating Bill?


I hope to introduce the Bill this week; certainly it will not be long delayed.

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