HC Deb 28 February 1901 vol 90 c75

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether his attention has been called to a sealed order, dated 4th February last, addressed by the Local Government Board of Ireland to the boards of guardians in Ireland, making it mandatory for them to appoint assistants to the several poor law officers set forth in said order in all cases in which the Local Government Board consider such appointments necessary; and whether it is intended by such order to further increase the number of officials in Ireland without first consulting the elected representatives of the ratepayers as to the necessity for such increase.


The reply to the first paragraph is in the affirmative. The occasion for the making of the Order was a default in some cases by guardians to appoint nurses when their own medical officers were of opinion that such nurses were absolutely necessary for the proper care of the sick poor. The Order does not confer any new power on the Local Government Board, but was made in pursuance of Section 31 of the Poor Belief Act, 1838.


Then am I to understand that the Order is not final?


Any representation that may be made by local authorities against the Order will, of course, be carefully considered by the Board.