HC Deb 27 February 1901 vol 89 c1323

Mr. SPEAKER informed the House that he had received the following Message of Sympathy on the death of Her late Majesty from the President of the House of Representatives in the Austrian Reichsrath—


Austrian Reichsrath,

Office of the President of the

House of Representatives,



1st February, 1901.


At the opening Session of the House of Representatives in the Austrian Reichsrath, on the 31st of January of this year, I delivered, as President by right of seniority, the following eulogy of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria:—

"Honourable Gentlemen, permit me to touch on the mournful event which has happened almost simultaneously with the Convocation of the Reichsrath. I allude to the passing away of Her Majesty the venerable Queen Victoria of England, that glorious and wise Princess who has departed this life after a reign of nearly sixty-four years. The lofty virtues, by which the deceased Sovereign was adorned, the general respect which was paid to Her on all sides on account of Her truly constitutional principles, the rare qualities of heart and mind which were peculiarly Hers, enable us to appreciate the magnitude of the loss that has plunged into deep mourning both the people and the Royal Family of a great Country which has ever been our friend.

"Our illustrious Monarch, towards whom the venerable Sovereign entertained to the last feelings of the sincerest friendship, has already given moving expression to the deep sorrow which animates him on this occasion.

"By rising from their seats honourable Gentlemen will give suitable expression to their deep sympathy, and will follow the example of all the Parliamentary bodies at present in Session; and this proceeding shall be recorded in the minutes of to-day's meeting.

"In conclusion, I beg the Honourable House to authorise the President to communicate our sincere sympathy to the Speaker of the House of Commons."

I have the honour, with the concurrence of the House, which has furnished me with express powers for the purpose, to communicate this information to the House of Commons through your intermediary.

Accept, etc.,


To the

Speaker of the House of Commons,

The Right Hon. William Court Gully.

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