SIR HOWARD VINCENTI beg to ask Mr. Attorney General if he can state how many cases of a breach of trust, to the prejudice of the widow and the orphan or other beneficiary, engaged in 1900 the attention of the High Court of Justice; and what steps he proposes to take against this class of fraud, and to bring to the notice of the public about to settle moneys or create trust deeds that the Judicial Trustees Act, 1896, enables them to appoint a judicial trustee under the supervision of the Court.
§ SIR ROBERT FINLAYA great many cases of breach of trust of the nature referred to in the question have engaged the attention of the Courts in the year 1900. Their number could be ascertained, if at all, only by a long and troublesome inquiry. The Government have under consideration a measure for amending the Larceny Act with regard to frauds by agents. The fact that the Judicial Trustee Act, 1896, stands on the Statute-book is, of course, well known. The attention of the public can be further called to it only through the usual channels of information or by means of such questions as that put by my hon. and gallant friend.