HC Deb 21 February 1901 vol 89 c706
MR. FFRENCH (Wexford, S.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that the committee of management of the Enniscorthy Asylum recently passed a resolution complaining of the charge of £30 demanded by sealed order of the Local Government Board for Ireland for auditing the accounts of the asylum, although the previous charge was only £23 per annum for similar work; and whether, as the committee of management is a committee of the county council, the charge for auditing the accounts of the asylum should be included in the charge for auditing the accounts of the county council, which is fixed by the 64th section of the Local Government Act.


I am not aware of whether the resolution referred to has been received or not, nor can I in such short notice state the nature of the details in respect of which the increased charge of £7 was made. The audit of the asylum accounts has always been separate and distinct from that of the Grand Jury accounts, and was separately charged for; and the Local Government Board are advised that the 64th section of the Local Government Act only alters the former practice to the extent of substituting the County Council for the Grand Jury separate audits, and are properly charged for.