§ MR. DALY (Monaghan, S.)I beg to ask the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether he is aware that the beer and porter used by the troops stationed in Ireland are now got from English brewers; whether he can state if the beer for the soldiers in Ireland is from any of the districts in England where poison was found in the beer; whether he is aware that the ordering of beer from England for the troops in Ireland is a loss to Irish brewers as well as to the labouring and farming classes in Ireland, where barley and oats are grown; and whether he will advise the War Office to order from Irish brewers beer for the soldiers stationed in Ireland.
LORD STANLEYI must refer the hon. Member to my reply to a question by the hon. Member for North Meath on Monday, the 18th instant.* I may add that General and other Commanding Officers are fully alive to the necessity of occasionally having malt liquor analysed.
§ MR. NANNETTII beg to ask the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that an order for 1,000 barrels of ale for the use of the troops in South Africa was recently taken from a Dublin firm and handed over to an English brewery company; and whether, in view of the recent revelations as to the dangerous nature of certain British beers, he will direct that the supply in future for the troops in South Africa and Ireland shall be obtained from Dublin brewers.
LORD STANLEYI must refer the hon. Gentleman to other answers I have given on the same subject. Nothing is known of the matter alluded to.
§ MR. NANNETTIWill the noble Lord answer the last paragraph of the question?
§ [No answer was given.]
* See page 297.