HC Deb 14 February 1901 vol 89 cc55-6

The COMPTROLLER OF THE HOUSEHOLD reported His Majesty's Answer to the Address [25th January], as followeth:—

"I have received with much gratification your dutiful and affectionate Address.

"I am touched and consoled by your sympathy with My grief at the loss of My beloved Mother, the Queen, to whose unfailing devotion to the welfare of Her people throughout Her long and memorable reign you hear testimony.

"I return you My thanks for the expression of your loyal attachment to My person and your confidence in My desire to promote the happiness and liberty of My subjects; and I fervently join in your prayer that Almighty Cod will guide and strengthen My councils to that end."

Mr. SPEAKER informed the House that he had received the following communications expressing condolence with the British Nation in the loss it had sustained by the death of I Her late Majesty—

Budapest, 24th January, 1901.

Right Honourable Mr. Speaker,

The House of Representatives of the Hungarian Parliament has been greatly affected by the cruel loss which the peoples of Great Britain have suffered by the demise of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, and in its session held on January 23rd, in giving expression to the grief and profound sympathy of the Hungarian nation it has paid the tribute of its reverent feelings to the memory of the Noble Queen, who during a reign of unexampled duration, always maintained and held sacred the traditions of the constitution and was always surrounded by the enthusiastic love of Her people.

The Hungarian. House of Representatives has entrusted me with communicating these sincere feelings of the House to the Parliament (of Great Britain) by your kind mediation.

I beg you, Right Honourable Mr. Speaker, to accept the expression of my sincere respect, and remain,

Yours truly,


The President of the House of

Representatives of the Hungarian



Italian Embassy,

January 25th, 1901.


Monsieur le Marquis,

The Italian Chamber of Deputies adjourned its sitting yesterday as a sign of mourning for the death of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, charging the Government with communicating their condolences to the House of Commons.

In compliance with the instructions of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, I have the honour to notify the above to Your Excellency and to beg you to be good enough to acquaint the Speaker with these expressions of the Italian Chamber's condolence.

Thanking you for your amiable assistance, I have, &.c. (Signed) COSTA.

His Excellency,

The Marquis of Lansdowne, K.G.,

&c., &c., &c.

To the President of the House of

Commons, London.

At the request of the Chamber of Representatives I have the honour to approach my honourable colleague of the House of Commons to express my sympathy with the deep-felt grief of the English nation at the death, of their beloved Queen.


President of the Chamber of Deputies

of the Republic of Uruguay,


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