HC Deb 15 August 1901 vol 99 c944
MR. M'KILLOP (Sligo, N.)

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware that petitions signed by shipmasters and others calling for the establishment of lights at Bowmore, a point at the entrance to Sligo Harbour, have been forwarded to the Irish Lights Commissioners, and have been ignored by that body, and, seeing that from want of those lights a steamer with 200 passengers on board failed to enter the harbour during a storm last winter and almost got wrecked, whether he will use his influence with the Commissioners with the view of having these lights established.


In reply to a similar question put by the hon. Member for South Sligo on Monday last, I stated that the Commissioners of Irish Lights had informed the Board of Trade that they were of opinion that the lights asked for at Bowmore were purely for local benefit, and should not be established at the cost of the general lighthouse fund.