HC Deb 15 August 1901 vol 99 c901

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he is aware that Herr Meyerbach, a war correspondent in South Africa for the Berlin Tagblatt, has been arrested by the English authorities as a spy and is about to be tried by court-martial at Middelburg; and whether any communication has been received from the Government of the German Empire, of which Herr Meyerbach is a subject, with reference to his arrest and approaching trial.

I beg also to ask the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether he is aware that Herr Meyerbach, who has acted as war correspondent in South Africa for the Berlin Tagblatt, has been arrested by the English authorities on suspicion of being a spy, and is to be tried by court-martial at Middelburg; whether he will be given the assistance of legal advisers in his defence; and, having regard to the fact that he is a subject of the German Empire, will he be allowed to communicate with the German Consul.


In reply to these questions, I have no information on the matter alluded to, and no communication has been received from the German Government.


Will the noble Lord send for information?


No, Sir.