HC Deb 08 August 1901 vol 99 cc68-9
*MR. O'SHAUGHNESSY (Limerick, W.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that the inhabitants in and around Glin, in the county of Limerick, are anxious that the subsidised steamer plying between Tarbert and Kilrush should call at their pier, a distance of about six miles from the former place, and that the entire cost for attendance on steamer at said pier (which is free of toll and has been certified safe by the county surveyor) would not exceed £1 a week, a guarantee to which effect would be given; and, having regard to the fact that there is no service at present either by rail or steamboat to Glin, and with a view to the development of the district by communications for tourists, will he take steps to have the subsidised boat call there.


This matter has already engaged my personal consideration. I have nothing to add to the letter which I addressed on the 26th June to the hon. Member, except to say that the Government cannot subsidise an extension of the steamer service beyond the existing communication between Tarbert and Kilrush.


Why cannot the Government do this, seeing that this is one of the most beautiful spots on the banks of the Shannon?