HC Deb 29 April 1901 vol 93 cc127-9

1. "That there shall be charged on and after the nineteenth day of April, Nineteen Hundred and One, the following Customs import duties:—

s. d.
Sugar of a polarisation exceeding 98 degrees the cwt. the cwt. 4 2
Sugar of a polarisation not exceeding 76 degrees and intermediate duties varying between 4s. 2d. and 2s. on sugar of a polarisation not exceeding 98 and exceeding 76 degrees the cwt. 2 0
Molasses (including all sugar and extracts from sugar which cannot be tested by the polariscope) the cwt. 2 0
Glucose the cwt. 1 8
Saccharin (including sub stances of a like nature or use) the oz. 1 3
And that duty shall be charged in accordance with the provisions of the Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act, 1876, on goods containing, as a part or ingredient thereof, any article liable to any of the above duties. And that the exemption under the same Schedule from the duty on plums of plums preserved in sugar shall cease.

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