HC Deb 25 April 1901 vol 92 cc1297-8

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War if his attention has been called to the failure of the military authorities in South Africa to report home the allotment of pay to their wives in this country by Private W. J. Maukee, No. 25,330, enlisted 21st December, 1900, for the M. S. Hospital. Woodstock; Private John Stapleton, No. 29,204, Salisbury G. M. Company, Johannesburg; Private Albert Ivey, No. 25,347, Cape Medical Staff Corps, Middelburg, with a number of other cases; and whether any action has been taken to remedy the matter.


The only case of which I am aware is that to which the hon. Member specially drew my attention. A telegram has been sent to the general officer commanding the lines of communication to expedite the remittances.


Has no reply been received?


No, Sir.


Is the noble Lord aware that he gave me an exactly similar answer three weeks ago?


Yes, and I am sorry to say the same state of affairs exist now as then. We have got no reply to our telegram.


Did you pay for a reply?

[No answer was returned.]


I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War if he is aware that Trooper J. Kerr, who enlisted in the Sharpshooters 28th January, attached to the 23rd Battalion Imperial Yeomanry, sailed for South Africa, 28th March, as Acting Provost Sergeant, leaving 14s. per week out of his pay of 5s. per diem for his wife, residing at 2, Temperley Road, Balham; that up to date Mrs. Kerr has received nothing, and is unable to obtain any reply to her repeated applications, although from the date of her husband's enlistment she has received the monthly Government allowance of 1s. 1d. per day payable monthly for herself and child; and can he say why Mrs. Kerr has not received any reply to her application for back pay, and to whom she, and others in similar position, ought to apply for redress.


The trooper in question, appears to have gone abroad without making a formal allotment to his wife. Evidence of his intention has now been obtained and the payments sanctioned. Any similar applications should be addressed to the Station Paymaster at Hounslow.