HC Deb 25 April 1901 vol 92 cc1341-2
MR. LAMBERT (Devonshire, South Molton)

I beg to ask the First Lord of the Treasury if, having regard to the fact that the Royal Commission on Local Taxation was appointed five years ago, and that the Agricultural Rates Act is to be renewed this year, he will suggest to the Commission the desirability of an early Report, so that it may be in the hands of Members before the debate on the renewal of the Rating Bill.


I understand that the Commission are pressing on with the work, but as they are not a subordinate branch of the Government we have no power of control over their proceedings in any way.

SIR HENRY FOWLER (Wolverhampton, E.)

Is it not the case that the Commissioners closed the taking of evidence in November, 1899, and that this Report was promised before any proposal should be made for the renewal of the Agricultural Rating Act?


I am not aware of that promise.