HC Deb 25 April 1901 vol 92 c1301
MR. HAY (Shoreditch, Hoxton)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that the medical officer inspecting invalids at Fort Brockhurst recommended No. 4,740, Private C. Bowles, 7th Rifle Brigade, on 7th November, 1900, for an ordinary furlough without a medical examination, thereby causing him to be disembodied as a militia reservist under Army Order 232 (5), and preventing him from obtaining a pension for his service in South Africa, and that but for other assistance he would have been left a hopeless cripple, with an invalid wife and two children dependent upon him, with no future but the workhouse; whether he will give the report by the medical officer to the officer who granted the furlough of Private Bowles; and whether he will state what measures he has taken to prevent such procedure by medical officers inspecting invalids from South Africa.


The facts are not as stated in the question. This man was invalided home for rheumatism, and on arrival at Southampton was examined by a medical officer and passed fit for duty. The man himself acknowledged that he stated to this officer that he was quite well. He was accordingly allowed to go on furlough. Since that time he had a relapse, but failed to report himself, as he should have done, to the military authorities. The Secretary of Lloyd's Patriotic Fund, to whom he applied for help, reported the case to the authorities. A medical officer was at once sent to treat him; his disembodiment was cancelled, and he was considered as on sick furlough, pending the decision of the Chelsea Commissioners on his case. The only person to blame in this matter is Private Bowles. I am unaware of any cases similar to that now referred to by the hon. Member.