§ MR. ALFRED DAVIESI beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether, at the present stage of annexation, the assets and legal rights which pertained to the late Transvaal Government have been transferred to the British Government; and, if not all, whether he would name those un-transferred.
§ THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR THE COLONIES (Mr. J. CHAMBERLAIN,) Birmingham, W.The assets of the late Transvaal Government undoubtedly passed generally to the succeeding Government on annexation. Whatever exceptions may exist to this general rule can only be considered as they arise.
§ MR. ALFRED DAVIESMay I ask the right hon. Gentleman to repeat his answer, as it was quite inaudible in this part of the House?
§ MR. J. CHAMBERLAINI will give the answer to the hon. Member later.
§ MR. ALFRED DAVIESAm I not in order, Sir, in asking the right hon. Gentleman to read his answer again?
§ * MR. SPEAKERCertainly, the hon. Member is quite in order in asking, but the right hon. Gentleman is also quite in order in answering as he did.
§ MR. J. CHAMBERLAINI shall be most happy to read the answer again if it is desired, but I thought it would be more convenient to the hon. Member to have the actual written answer placed in his hands, and I would have given him that immediately after the questions were over. It is not my fault that I was not heard. I will, however, read the answer again. [The right hon. Gentleman did so.]