HC Deb 28 May 1900 vol 83 cc1505-6

I bog to ask the President of the Local Government Board what steps have boon taken to carry out the recommendation of the Poor Law Schools Committee that small receiving homes be established for the temporary reception of children above the age of three years outside the workhouse, pending arrangements for their future allocation, what boards have already established receiving homes, and what power has the Local Government Board to compel unsatisfactory boards of guardians to obey their recommendations.


The Local Government Board have, where necessary, pressed upon boards of guardians in the metropolis the importance of establishing receiving homes for the purpose referred to. In the majority of cases the guardians have already provided, or are in course of providing, accommodation for this pur pose, and in other instances they have the matter under consideration. I see no reason to doubt that the Board's recommendations on this subject will be complied with.