HC Deb 28 May 1900 vol 83 cc1500-1
MR. HERBERT ROBERTS (Denbighshire, W.)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for India whether he will state what is the present position of the claim of the Sultan Ali, Rajah of Cannanore,, to the sovereignty of the Laccadive Islands; and whether, seeing that the arrears of tribute on account of which the islands were sequestrated by the Government of India in 1876 were subsequently paid, and the islands ordered to be restored to the Rajah through the direct intervention of the Secretary of State for India in 1895, he will give the reasons why the restoration of the property to the Rajah has not been carried out.


The matter to which the question refers is under discussion between the Government of India and the Government of Madras, and I am informed that the proposals for a final settlement were placed before the latter Government on the 11th of this month. The object of the Government of India is, first, to secure the well being and good government of the islanders, and it appears to be extremely doubtful whether this is compatible with the administration of the islands by any member of the Cannanore family, to whose claims and interests, however, due consideration will be given in any decision that may be arrived at.


Will the noble Lord make a statement at an early date?


I cannot promise that.