HC Deb 24 May 1900 vol 83 cc1108-9
MR. F. W. WILSON (Norfolk, Mid)

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Agriculture whether a report has reached his Department to the effect that a quantity of offal had been washed up on the Essex coast between St. Osyth and Walton, which had been cast overboard from cattle ships arriving in the Thames from South America with animals on board infected with the foot-and-mouth disease; whether he is aware that it was stated at a meeting of the Tendring Rural District Council that these ships were allowed to land carcases in the Thames while the offal was taken back to sea and put overboard off the Essex coast; and whether the Department will assist the local authorities to prevent contagion in East Anglia by ensuring farmers against such occurrences.


It is the case that some of the offal which was ordered to be taken out to sea, in consequence of the discovery of foot-and-mouth disease in animals brought from the Argentine, has been washed ashore. The matter has received the attention of the coastguard, and inasmuch as the importation of live animals from the Argentine is now prohibited, there is not likely to be any further cause for complaint. I am advised that there is no probability of the introduction of disease in the manner suggested.


May I ask the right hon. Gentleman whether he is aware that while these diseased carcases are eaten in London the whole time of the coastguard is occupied in burying the offal, which covers the coast-line of South-east Essex?


I know nothing about it myself. If my hon. friend will put the question on the Paper no doubt the President of the Board of Agriculture will reply.