HC Deb 21 May 1900 vol 83 cc730-1
SIR E. ASHMEAD - BARTLETT (Sheffield, Ecclesall)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he has any information to the effect that the Korean Government have granted Russia a site for a coal depot and naval hospital at Masampho Harbour commanding the straits between Korea and Japan, and that Masampho will be the headquarters of the Russian fleet in the Pacific.

The following questions also appeared on the Paper on the same subject:—

MR. MACLEAN (Cardiff)

To ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether Russia has acquired the exclusive right to establish a coaling station at Masampho, in Korea; and whether this proceeding is in accordance with Russia's explicit pledge not to acquire any territory whatever in Korea.


To ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether the Government has received information to the effect that an arrangement has been arrived at between Russia and Korea, under which Russia obtains certain concessions at Masampho Harbour; and, if so, whether he can say what those concessions are.


Her Majesty's Government understand that the Russian Government have acquired by lease a site for a coal depot and naval hospital at the treaty port of Masampho. The port is open to the navigators of all countries, and the ground acquired is within the limits within which foreigners are permitted to acquire land. Her Majesty's Government also understand that the landing and storage of supplies for the Russian fleet within the site so acquired is to be governed by existing treaties. There is therefore no exclusive right conceded to the Russian Government, and the treaty rights of British subjects are not limited by any arrangements with the Russian Government. Her Majesty's Government also understand that an agreement has been concluded by which the Russian Government bind themselves never to apply for their own use or for the use of Russian subjects for any laud on the island of Koje, or on the opposite mainland, or on any of the surrounding islands; and the Corean Government engages not to allow any other Government to rent or purchase land in the localities indicated. Her Majesty's Government are not at present in possession of the text of these agreements, and I must, therefore, suspend any reply to the latter part of the question of the hon. Member for Cardiff.


Will the Government maintain the view now given of that transaction?

[No answer was returned.]


He has no official information.